Packaging units are not covered in this catalogue; please enquire with your supplier. 568 • Full extension slide with plastic rollers, 50 kg, installation width 12.5 mm, bottom mounting • 30 mm over-extension • Convenient access • Control of the centre rail • Reliable parallel closing action • Safety lock • Secure connection of the drawer to the cabinet • Bottom edge clearance • Drawer rail is flush with the bottom corner ORDER INFORMATION 1 Full extension slide 50 kg Set: one left, one right NL White Cream white Art. No. Art. No. 250 F080 074 520 F080 074 519 300 F080 074 523 F080 074 522 350 F080 074 526 F080 074 525 400 F080 074 529 F080 074 528 450 F080 074 532 F080 074 531 500 F080 074 535 F080 074 534 550 F080 074 538 F080 074 537 600 F080 074 541 F080 074 540 650 F080 074 544 F080 074 543 700 F080 074 546 F080 074 545 750 F080 074 549 F080 074 548 800 F080 074 551 F080 074 550 PAGE REFERENCES Accessories 570 Technical information 572 Assembly aids 670 ROLLER SLIDES Full extension slide 50 kg